
Kawasaki ER-5 owners

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Registriert: Fr 20. Apr 2018, 15:36
Motorrad: harley davidson

Kawasaki ER-5 owners

Beitrag von LarryWalker »


Im just about to go for my L's in new south wales and im after a ride ive been looking at the ER-5 im a big guy so a 250cc is
not a option i sat on the ER-5 i liked the size and the feel of it.
So if there's any owners out there can you give the story on them and what to look for?

Any Suggestion Would be appreciate.

I didn't find right solution on the internet.

(LINK vom Admin entfernt)

Zuletzt geändert von Ningel am Mo 7. Mai 2018, 17:24, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Beiträge: 2109
Registriert: Sa 12. Mär 2011, 00:52
Motorrad: ER-5
Baujahr: 2006
Farbe: Blau
Wohnort: D-56291 Hunsrück

Re: Kawasaki ER-5 owners

Beitrag von Ningel »

Dear Larry,

you are here in a forum where most of us speak german and live on €-side of Europe.

I like to ask yo not to post every thing 4-5 times (it's my job to remove the duplicates).

If you be a big guy, it will be helpful to by a bike, thats build after 2001. The newer model is a 2cm higher.

The most here like/love their ER5. I've got mine 2006 (new), today she got around 35.000km on the "clock". I'm still waiting for the first big repair.
Ohne Ziel ist auch der Weg egal!